英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-24 10:35:47

bring off

英 [briŋ ɔf]

美 [brɪŋ ɔf]

救出; 成功完成; 办完
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bring off


1. be successful
achieve a goal

e.g. She succeeded in persuading us all
I managed to carry the box upstairs
She pulled it off, even though we never thought her capable of it
The pianist negociated the difficult runs

Synonym: pull offnegociatecarry offmanage

1. 完成,做完(艰难的事)
If you bring off something difficult, you do it successfully.

e.g. They were about to bring off an even bigger coup...
e.g. He thought his book would change society. But he didn't bring it off.

1. 救出;成功地做某事:bring into operation 实施,使生效 | bring off 救出;成功地做某事 | bring on 引导,导致;使发展

2. 救出:bring into stop 使同步 | bring off 救出 | bring round 使船转向相反方向

3. 从船上救出;设法做成:bring in 收获;获利;介绍,引进;聘请;逮捕 | bring off 从船上救出;设法做成 | bring on 带来,引起;促使生长;帮助提高

4. 使实现,做成:bring forward 提出,提议,提前 | bring off 使实现,做成 | bring on 促进,助长,引起

Design your career objectives based on what would bring you the greatest long-term satisfaction-without being afraid of going off-road.(在知道什么能带给你最长时间的满足感,哪怕行驶在荒郊野外也无所畏惧的基础上,计划好你的工作目标。)
Therefore, DIY can bring us fun and help us save money, but it is not always as easy as it is thought to be if we bite off more than we can chew.(因此,自己动手做(DIY)可以给我们带来乐趣,帮助我们省钱,但如果我们不自量力,它并不总是像想象的那么容易。)
Do you put off doing things that would bring you closer to your desired goals? I know I do. But why are we so foolish?(你会拖着去做一件让你接近你希望目标的事情吗?我就总是这样。为什么我们这么愚蠢呢?)
I had it all figured out. I'd go away off to some big town, get a hundred dogs, and bring them all back with me.(我都计划好了,要到大城市去,买上百条狗,把它们全都带回家来。)
A good omelette is very hard to bring off.(煎蛋卷是很难做好的。煎蛋卷是很难做好的。)
Furthermore, possibly making matters worse are proposed accounting-rule changes that, if adopted, will prompt Banks in 2010 to bring some off-balance-sheet assets back onto their books.(此外,会计准则的调整规划或许会令情况更加糟糕,如果调整会计准则,花旗集团2010年就得把一些表外资产移入表内。)
"I'll bring it," and she was off before he could stop her.(“我去拿。”他还没来得及阻止她,她就跑开了。)
Smarmy might work better, though it is difficult to bring off.(奉承也许会更有用,不过很难奏效。)
In some places, people carry around objects to ward off evil or bring good luck.(在一些地方,人们会随身携带一些饰品给自己辟邪或招来好运。)
They win it back so many times in the opponents' half and attack from there, so we've started trying to bring that into our game and thankfully that's started paying off for us.(他们在对手的半场多次抢回了球权,并就地发起进攻,所以我们已经开始尝试把这种风格带入我们的比赛,谢天谢地,我们得到了回报。)
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